Posts Tagged ‘Casey Anthony Probation’

Casey Anthony ordered to serve probation in check fraud case

Orlando Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland has signed an amended court document ordering Casey Anthony to serve one year of supervised probation on her check fraud case number 2008-CF-013331-A-O.  Under the order, Casey Anthony must report to Orange County within 72 hours.

On January 25, 2010, Anthony was sentenced on 13 counts of fraud while she was in jail pending her trial for the murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony.  At that time, the sentence was 412 days in jail with credit for time served of 412 days, 1 year probation and court costs.  The original document sentencing Anthony back in Jan did not have the important words, “upon release” after the imposed requirement of 1 year of probation.

The new order by Judge Strickland, imposes 1 year of probation, $20 per month in cost of supervision and $348 in court costs.  Additionally, Anthony may not leave Orange County Florida without the permission of her probation officer.

The order can be seen here: Casey Anthony – Order
